Security Clearance news
Pattern of Rule Breaking Leads to Security Clearance Denial
Isolated instances of not following rules or protocol when taken by themselves are usually not a concern when it comes to determining eligibility for access to classified national security information. However, when a pattern of rule-breaking starts to emerge it is an indication of a deeper psychological issue when the
History of Drunk Driving Leads to Security Clearance Denial
Having been in the military myself, I know it takes quite a bit to get kicked out for misconduct. Commanders give their troops every available option to rehabilitate behavioral issues before resorting to discharge proceedings. A DoD contractor security clearance applicant, also former marine, was denied eligibility for a clearance
I truly appreciate everyone’s feedback I hope this process will be worth it
Sorry you are in this situation but you will land on your feet. Just hang in there and wait it out. I wish I could say your poly story was…
@Opticalpanic sorry to hear but this is not uncommon. not sure if you ever been to sister site to clearance blogs which is clearance jobs. Lyndy from here has tons…
You can may also reach out to FEDCAS for a consultation for a fee of course. I recommend you be honest with everything going on in your life. The owner…