ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news


Unresolved financial issues are the most common reason for the denial of a security clearance.  A common misnomer is that the amount of debt directly correlates to the clearance denial. This is not true. It is the circumstances that led to the debts and actions taken to resolve the debts that weigh

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Career Advice

Security clearance holders are expected to self-report changes or incidents that may impact their clearances in accordance with the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines found in…
Obtaining Security Clearance

If a perfect human being exists, the U.S. Intelligence Community or DoD has yet to meet her (or him). That’s why the “whole person concept”…
Security Clearance Denial

Section 18 on the Questionnaire for National Security Positions (SF-86) asks the applicant to list the following regardless of whether they were living or deceased:…