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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

Security clearance reform has been the hot topic over the past few years with implementation of Continuous Evaluation (CE)  and Continuous Vetting (CV) programs taking the place of periodic reinvestigations, and more recently, the impending roll out of Trusted Workforce 2.0. One of the more interesting changes coming down the pike will be

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Security Clearance Denial

Trust but verify is an advisable motto for companies who are looking to hire highly qualified candidates who can also get a security clearance. Doing a little bit of fact checking up front will save headaches later on because in today’s day and age, it is easy for job applicants

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

Under the national security adjudicative guidelines Personal Conduct (Guideline E) covers many areas that don’t fall into criteria under other guidelines. Disqualifying conduct under personal…
Obtaining Security Clearance

The Department of State (DoS) Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DSS) is the division that processes and conducts all background investigations for DoS employees and contractors…
Security Clearance Denial

I have read through some pretty interesting case summaries over the years, but this Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case I ran across…