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Security Clearance news

Career Advice

When you think of the types of jobs the Department of Justice (DOJ) has, most likely you are thinking of lawyers, accountants, judges, clerks, etc., and not all of these positions require a security clearance. In actuality, this is but the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of other

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Security Clearance Denial

Time and again I read stories about how a security clearance holder meets someone on a dating site, becomes smitten without even meeting in person, and then starts doing very foolish things like sending money or opening up new bank accounts for wire transfers from the person to move to

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

Having been in the military myself, I know it takes quite a bit to get kicked out for misconduct. Commanders give their troops every available…
4 replies
Security Clearance Denial

Marijuana use is becoming more prevalent as the number of states that legalize its use for medical or recreational use increases. Some have legitimate reasons…
3 replies
Security Clearance Process

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency is responsible for running the DoD’s Continuous Vetting (CV) Program and during the last National Industrial Security Program Policy…
6 replies