Security Clearance news
Deferred Sentence vs. Conviction
There was a lively and informative conversation on a recent ClearanceJobs Blog posting when a security clearance applicant asked for advice on whether they needed to report a domestic violence arrest where the judge deferred sentencing as part of a plea agreement by the defendant. Let’s take a look at what deferred
SCI Access Granted vs. SCI Eligible
Having reviewed a ton of resumes for job applicants who have security clearances, I have noticed a trend in the way many from the Defense Department are listing their current clearance level when it comes to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) eligibility. When the DoD’s Central Adjudications Facility reviews and adjudicates
Was your discontinuation a suitability thing, or the position you were going for no longer available? I’m 5 months into adjudication, and still just a ball of stress. Hope you…
suitability if I were to guess
Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. It will work out in the end!
Sorry to hear dude, I’ve been there and it blows