Security Clearance news
Facility Clearance Level Doesn’t Matter When Issues are Under Review
The adjudicative guidelines for national security investigations are applied the same across the board. It matters not whether it is for a Secret or Top Secret clearance. The additional checks and information gathered for the Top Secret is reviewed the same as for a Secret. Take for instance, smoking marijuana while you
DOE Contractor with Multiple SSNs and Names Denied Clearance Eligibility
There are some security clearance appeals where you just gotta shake your head and wonder “what was this person thinking trying to apply for a cleared position?”. This particular Department of Energy (DOE) contractor appeal case is one of those. It goes to show that there are some people out
Was your discontinuation a suitability thing, or the position you were going for no longer available? I’m 5 months into adjudication, and still just a ball of stress. Hope you…
suitability if I were to guess
Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. It will work out in the end!
Sorry to hear dude, I’ve been there and it blows