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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

One of the first security clearance appeal cases in 2023 for the Department of Energy (DOE) involved issues and concerns under sexual behavior, personal conduct, drug involvement, psychological conditions, and criminal conduct. The DOE contractor was issued a Letter of Interrogatory and his subsequent response did not mitigate the concerns.

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Security Clearance Denial

The Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) has resumed their pre-COVID-19 pace on security clearance appeals hearings and published summaries of 943 cases that were reviewed. As usual, financial issues outnumbered all other issues combined and resulted in most of the denials. Interestingly, the number of cases involving use of illegal

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

A Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD) from the military is not seen as often as a General (under honorable conditions) and usually is the result of…
Security Clearance Jobs

A Federal IT contractor was recently denied security clearance eligibility by the DoD Central Adjudication Facility because of criminal and personal conduct issues. The contractor subsequently appealed the denial…
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Up skirting is when someone places a video recording device under a woman’s skirt without their consent or knowledge. Recently, a DoD contractor was denied…
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