Security Clearance news
Soliciting Prostitutes Is a No-No for Clearance Holders
Even though it is practiced across the entire country, prostitution is illegal in the United States. There are countries where it is legal and regulated. Regardless of where it occurs, soliciting a prostitute is never a good idea for someone who has a security clearance. What is the big deal,
Multi-Millionaire Denied Clearance Eligibility
I don’t see more than a handful of Defense Office of Hearing and Appeal cases where the applicant is denied security clearance eligibility due to having monies, property and business dealing outside of the United States. This one caught my eye because it involved a multi-millionaire who had assets in
Was your discontinuation a suitability thing, or the position you were going for no longer available? I’m 5 months into adjudication, and still just a ball of stress. Hope you…
suitability if I were to guess
Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. It will work out in the end!
Sorry to hear dude, I’ve been there and it blows