Security Clearance news
Embellished Excuses for Self-Inflicted Wounds Land Clearance Holder in Hot Water
Every once in a while, I run across a security clearance appeals casewhere I ask myself did this really happen? There are some people outthere with mental disorders that impact their ability to thinkstraight when under stress, causing bizarre or abnormal behavior. Ifound a recent Department of Energy security clearance
Don’t Send Safe Combinations and Classified Network PINS to Your Personal Email
Security clearance holders all go through an indoctrination briefingthat includes proper handling and storage of classified or protectedinformation. They also get an annual refresher training. Unfortunately,some people find it difficult remembering information like safecombinations and personal identification numbers (PIN) for access toclassified IT networks. A defense contractor recently had hisclearance
Oh yeah, as frustration builds over hours of eye rolling, frowns, head shaking and various sleight of hand comments I told them they accused me of lying. Of course he…
Yeah the polygraph sucks ass. My experience was similar to yours, but I’m fairly sure I “passed” since I haven’t gotten a rejection letter or been told to come back.…
I truly appreciate everyone’s feedback I hope this process will be worth it
Sorry you are in this situation but you will land on your feet. Just hang in there and wait it out. I wish I could say your poly story was…