ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Career AdviceObtaining Security ClearanceSecurity Clearance Process

Ketamine, also known on the street as Cat Valium, Jet K, Special K, Purple, Super K, and a few other colorful names, is a controlled substance approved by the FDA for use as a short-acting anesthetic for use in humans and animals. Veterinary use is the most common. Physicians have

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Security Clearance Denial

There is a saying in military circles about what happens when you are on travel to a temporary duty assignment (TDY) stays there. This also applies to DoD civilians and contractors. Well, one DoD contractor found out this is not necessarily true after having his clearance eligibility denied due to

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Past Security Clearance Posts


Having reviewed a ton of resumes for job applicants who have security clearances, I have noticed a trend in the way many from the Defense…
Security Clearance Process

All national security background investigations have required checks that must be completed in order for the investigation to meet federal investigative standards. One of the required checks…
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Security Clearance Denial

It seems everyday you hear about technology, trade secrets or proprietary theft by foreign agents acting on behalf of China and it is well known…
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