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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

Oxycodone, when prescribed by a physician, is a legal means of dealing with or managing pain. It is also highly addictive, which is why physicians are very careful in how much and how long they prescribe its use. So, what happens when the prescription runs out and someone has become

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man writing the word "debt" in bank book
Security Clearance Denial

Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 3 establishes reporting requirements for all security clearance holders. Among the various categories of reporting is a section called financial anomalies. Clearance holders are required to report bankruptcies, wage garnishments, debts that are more than 120 days past due (no matter the amount), and unusual

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Obtaining Security Clearance

It is quite extraordinary to think someone who was charged with murdercan get a security clearance, but occasionally I run across an appealscase involving just…
man writing the word "debt" in bank book
Security Clearance Denial

Based on historical Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) cases, it would be a good bet that one of the first cases for this…
Security Clearance Denial

All clearance holders receive an initial security briefing thatincludes going over the proper handling and storage of classifieddocuments. This is a hot topic lately with…