ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

Although Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) -5 already provides government agencies the authority to collect open-source social media data, most agencies have shied away from doing it for a couple of reasons. First, they do not have the manpower and expertise to pull and review the data, and second, they

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man writing the word "debt" in bank book
Obtaining Security Clearance

Historically, the credit bureaus have always included medical billing debts reported by creditors as being delinquent. These are usually reflected as a medical bill collection by whichever company the medical services use for their collection efforts. Oftentimes, the person for whom the credit report was run on is not even

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

Every once in a while, I run across a security clearance appeals casewhere I ask myself did this really happen? There are some people outthere…
2 replies
Security Clearance Denial

Security clearance holders all go through an indoctrination briefingthat includes proper handling and storage of classified or protectedinformation. They also get an annual refresher training.…
Background Investigations

As many on this site have said for security clearance applicants, it is better to tell all then try to hide stuff and hope no…