ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Obtaining Security Clearance

There were only two Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) cases involving the Allegiance guideline this year. This one involved a DoD contractor who had shown a more than passing interest into the anti-establishment conspiracy theorist group called QAnon, and militia extremists who call themselves Three-Percenters (III%). He was

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Security Clearance Denial

Every once in a while, I run across an appeals case that makes me shake my head and wonder why on earth they tried applying for a job that required a security clearance. This particular one takes the cake. The applicant was initially denied clearance eligibility by the DoD based

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Past Security Clearance Posts


In applying the Whole-Person Concept, an administrative judge or adjudicator must evaluate an applicant’s eligibility for a security clearance by considering the totality of the applicant’s…
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Security Clearance Process

Increasingly I come across background investigations where the applicant fills out the Questionnaire for National Security Positions (SF-86) and they fail to list required information…
Security Clearance Process teamed up with the Intelligence and National Security Foundation (INSF) to analyze why there is so much confusion among the younger population about drug use,…
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