ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Career Advice

For security-clearance holders, flat is the new up, when it comes to salaries and earnings. The good news is trends may grow more optimistic going forward. A Washington Post article discussed recent trends in security clearance compensation and the possible reasons for the decline.  When it comes to surveying salary,

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Background InvestigationsCybersecurity

In a follow up to a previous article highlighting how Chinese hackers attack U.S. networks, another story has hit the news headlines describing how former background investigation contractor USIS failed to detect a security breach by Chinese hackers who penetrated USIS information system firewalls for several months. The hackers gained

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Career AdviceSecurity Clearance Jobs

It is widely published that security-cleared candidates have more earning potential due to a burgeoning defense industry. How is your salary? Are you satisfied? If…
Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

In yesterday's USA Today, a report titled "White House looks for faster top secret clearances" details the positive efforts of Office of Management and Budget…
Security Clearance Jobs

This isn't necessary new to report, but an article on CNN today details how dolphins and sea lions are providing surveillance to harbors like Puget…