ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Jobs

While recent news reports have focused on the NSA’s PRISM program and the government’s use of personal data to detect terror threats, a recent news report sheds new light on the massive commercial business of collecting and selling personal data. CBS News recently broadcast a special investigative report regarding data brokers who collect personal

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Security Clearance Denial

In a recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case the original decision by the Department of Defense (DoD) to deny the applicant a security clearance was upheld by the board.  This particular case involved Guidelines J (Criminal Conduct) and E (Personal Conduct).  The applicant had a history of

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

In yesterday's USA Today, a report titled "White House looks for faster top secret clearances" details the positive efforts of Office of Management and Budget…
Security Clearance Jobs

This isn't necessary new to report, but an article on CNN today details how dolphins and sea lions are providing surveillance to harbors like Puget…
Career AdviceSecurity Clearance Jobs

Most people don't associate the Redmond giant with the U.S. defense industry. If you think about it, it makes total sense. Microsoft employs some of…