Security Clearance news
Military Espionage “Insider Threat” Case from the FBI Archives
I came across an interesting case about a U.S. Army soldier who attempted to sell classified information to who he thought was a Russian officer. The story, as described by the ensuing joint investigation conducted by Army Counterintelligence, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, and FBI investigators reads like something
DoD CAF Unveils New Website
The DoD Consolidated Adjudication Facility (CAF) unveiled a brand new website in May that is surprisingly forthcoming in providing information about adjudications, appeals, security clearance announcements/news, and even DoD CAF job openings. This is quite a refreshing change to what in the past has always seemed to be a shadow
Was your discontinuation a suitability thing, or the position you were going for no longer available? I’m 5 months into adjudication, and still just a ball of stress. Hope you…
suitability if I were to guess
Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. It will work out in the end!
Sorry to hear dude, I’ve been there and it blows