Security Clearance news
Listing Employment Terminations on Investigative Forms
During the last 5 years have you been fired from a job for any reason, did you quit after being told you would be fired, or did you leave a job by mutual agreement due to specific problems?
When a Favorable Security Clearance Determination is Overturned
In a not so frequent ruling by the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals, the board overturned a favorable security clearance eligibility decision by the judge that had heard the initial appeal. The main issues in this particular case fall under Guideline E (Personal Conduct), Guideline G (Alcohol Consumption), Guideline
Was your discontinuation a suitability thing, or the position you were going for no longer available? I’m 5 months into adjudication, and still just a ball of stress. Hope you…
suitability if I were to guess
Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up. It will work out in the end!
Sorry to hear dude, I’ve been there and it blows