ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Background Investigations

When filling out the Questionnaire for National Security Positions (SF-86) there is a section right after the instructions you have to acknowledge as having read.  It states “I have read the instructions and I understand that if I withhold, misrepresent, or falsify information on this form, I am subject to the

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Security Clearance Denial

In a recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals case, the judge was unsympathetic toward the applicant who was initially denied eligibility for placement into a Public Trust position as a contractor with the DoD. The denial was due to the fact that she failed to file federal taxes for

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Process

Last week during the Telework Exchange Town Hall Meeting, OPM Director John Berry credited the approx. 5,000 investigators who worked from home in reducing the…
Obtaining Security Clearance

When your job responsibilities include overseeing nearly $1 billion in research for the Missile Defense Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency…
Security Clearance Process

On September 15, 2009 a hearing was held before a Senate subcommittee responsible for oversight of the Federal government’s security clearance reform process. Testifying before…