ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

In today’s society it is virtually impossible to avoid contact with online communications or some form of social media. Many who keep opinions and thoughts about people, events, and work to themselves in person feel liberated when it comes to communicating electronically. The ability to electronically post information without the

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Obtaining Security Clearance

Demonstrating good judgment and reliability by following rules and procedures in the workplace is a significant factor for determining eligibility for access to national security information, as a recent DoD security clearance applicant found out. In this particular Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals case, the employee was issued a

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

The FBI released a statement and politico reported that a former FBI contract linguist pleaded guilty to unlawfully providing classified documents to the host of…

As seen on Time Magazine's website. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been "the best recruiting officer" for U.S. military efforts to partner with Arab states…
Career AdviceSecurity Clearance Jobs

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence announced last week regarding their 2nd Annual Summer Seminar for College Students interested in Intelligence Community careers.…