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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

National Security Adjudicators enter their adjudicative determinations into the various systems of record used to house security clearance information (DISS, CVS, Scattered Castles, etc.).  These determinations could be to grant, deny, or revoke eligibility. They can also enter loss of jurisdiction, close no action, or no determination made. So, what

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Security Clearance Denial

I have seen it time and again where security clearance applicants who are denied eligibility based on financial issues claim the reason for the delinquent debts is because the spouse was in charge of the finances, and they thought all the bills and taxes were being taken care of. A recent Defense

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

It would be safe to say that most, if not all, government workers know that using drugs is not copasetic or in line with the…
16 replies
Security Clearance Process

Although Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) -5 already provides government agencies the authority to collect open-source social media data, most agencies have shied away from…
2 replies
man writing the word "debt" in bank book
Obtaining Security Clearance

Historically, the credit bureaus have always included medical billing debts reported by creditors as being delinquent. These are usually reflected as a medical bill collection…