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Security Clearance news

Background Investigations

  We are less than two weeks away from OPM’s self-imposed deadline for the NBIB to take over the federal background investigation process and there was a vacuum of any detailed information about how it was going to operate. Finally, as noted in an article posted on Federal News Radio

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Background Investigations

OPM has finally moved forward in implementing the Tier 5 background investigation product to replace the Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). ODNI and OPM had collaborated on developing the new standards back in 2012 in order to provide quality control and consistency on investigations for Top Secret clearances. The change

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Jobs

An article in USA Today says more state and local law enforcement officers are getting top secret clearances from the FBI to access sensitive federal…
Obtaining Security Clearance

A story on 10News in San Diego highlighted a 32 year-old man who held a security clearance and was working at a Defense Contractor.  He…
Career Advice

While lying on a job application has its repercussions, a young Michigan man found that lying on a CIA job application landed him in jail.…