ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news


As all clearance’s holder’s should know from their initial security briefing, before engaging in outside employment you need to get approval from your security officer or federal agency before starting to ensure the activity is deemed suitable and there is no conflict of interest with what you do regarding your

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Security Clearance Process

Confused about what you’re required to self-report as a security clearance holder? You’re not alone. The self-reporting process is confusing. And in the wake of yet another scandal where a security clearance holder walked out with thousands of pages of classified material, the issue with self-reporting is likely to be

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Background Investigations

On December 22, 2010 the Office of Personnel Management announced that in February they will begin a phased implementation of the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations…
Background Investigations

On December 21, 2010 Congress passed the 2010 Anti-Border Corruption Act (S. 3243 [Enrolled]) affecting polygraph examinations and periodic reinvestigations of U.S. Customs and Border…
Background Investigations

On December 1, 2010 the Government Accountability Office (GAO) presented testimony before a House subcommittee. The testimony was presented in the form of a report…