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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

Six weeks have passed since the “grand opening” of the new National Background Investigations Bureau that took over from OPM’s Federal Investigative Services, but not a whole lot has changed on the surface except for the new name. In fact, when you compare OPM’s old FIS website to the new NBIB website, it

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Obtaining Security Clearance

As of today, 25 states have legalized medical marijuana while four states—Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational pot. With the coming elections there could be as many as 14 additional states added to the list. What does this mean for the potential security clearance applicant or current

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Career Advice

If you haven't checked out our 2011 Salary Survey, it isn't too late. Security-cleared professionals should be happy to read that they remain among the…
Obtaining Security Clearance

There's no doubt that 10 years of persistent conflict have had a profound impact on the lives of those serving in the military. For years…
Obtaining Security Clearance

It seems BRAC (the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure) is impacting just about everything these days - and security clearance adjudication hasn't escaped the hit.…