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Security Clearance news

Background Investigations

One of the components of every background investigation is the National Agency Check (NAC). One of the components of a NAC is the FBI name check. Among the trends that I have seen regarding what checks are most likely to hold up the completion of a background investigation, the top

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Background Investigations

I’m not aware of any single question on the SF-86 that has been the topic of more debate than Question 21, the Mental Health section of the SF-86. It has received scrutiny from Congress, the US Military, and a host of mental health professionals. In prior versions of the SF-86,

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Background InvestigationsPolygraph

The idea of a polygraph examination can make even those with the cleanest conscience a bit nervous. Like most looming events, the more you think…
Obtaining Security Clearance

The Defense Security Service (DSS) recent issued its “Stakeholder Report 2011,” summarizing its history and mission and detailing its recent achievements and notable cases. The…
Obtaining Security Clearance

Here at ClearanceJobs we regularly get questions from individuals wondering if an indiscretion or two (i.e. - occasional drug use in college, a misdemeanor offense,…