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Security Clearance news

Career Advice

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is one of the biggest government civil service and contractor employers after the DoD. Many of the jobs offered by the various DHS components require eligibility for either public trust or national security positions. I compiled a list of the various sites that describe the

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Obtaining Security Clearance

While the vast majority of security clearances are processed through the Department of Defense, several government agencies (including the Intelligence Community) run their own investigation processes. While the security clearance adjudicative criteria are standard, federal employment suitability standards differ between agencies, as well as procedures for clearance denial. The State

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Background Investigations

In an OPM rule finalized this week, agencies will have to reinvestigate employees in public trust positions every five years. The rule was initially proposed…
Security Clearance Denial

Writing a book criticizing the way your organization does its job and writing a critical blog post linking to a classified document on Wikileaks may…
Background Investigations

While we often talk broadly about the time it takes to process security clearances, the investigation itself is the heart of security clearance adjudication. After…