ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

The first case heard by the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals Board in 2017 involved issues regarding handling protected information, misuse of IT systems, and personal conduct. The crux of this case stemmed from the applicant’s continued disregard for following company instructions not to access classified information that he

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Obtaining Security Clearance

As a part of continuous evaluation requirements clearance holders are supposed to notify their agency or company security officers whenever they have been arrested or charged with a criminal offense. Many do not, or delay in communicating the information in hopes that they can get the charges dropped or downgraded. 

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Obtaining Security Clearance

In January 2012 a bill was introduced in the Maryland State Senate that proposed a State income tax credit for costs incurred to obtain federal…
Background Investigations

Security clearance reciprocity, adjudication timeliness and leveraging technology to increase efficiency were all topics addressed at this week’s Security Clearance Reform hearing on Capitol Hill.…
Background Investigations

As the person who reviews the comments posted to articles at, I can tell you the clearance process produces a lot of questions. Despite…