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Security Clearance news

Obtaining Security Clearance

Employees who have a history of quitting or walking off the job without notice may find obtaining security clearance eligibility a challenge. Why? Because it shows the employee is unreliable, has poor judgment, and is not trustworthy, all elements in the adjudicative guidelines under personal conduct. A recent Department of Energy

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Young beautiful woman sitting with attached sensors on fingers, hands and body, testing with computer polygraph, looking away. Graph and polygraph on screen of lie detector

The topic of polygraph examiners bullying security clearance applicants has risen to new levels as of late. The site has been peppered with stories from intelligence agency applicants depicting disbelief and frustration with their polygraph experiences. One recent applicant said he has no idea why his first two polygraphs were inconclusive because he

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

It would be safe to say that most, if not all, government workers know that using drugs is not copasetic or in line with the…
16 replies
Security Clearance Process

Although Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) -5 already provides government agencies the authority to collect open-source social media data, most agencies have shied away from…
2 replies
man writing the word "debt" in bank book
Obtaining Security Clearance

Historically, the credit bureaus have always included medical billing debts reported by creditors as being delinquent. These are usually reflected as a medical bill collection…