Security Clearance news

Clearance Applicant Denied Due to Being Involved in Sex Trafficking
It is one thing to solicit prostitutes for sex in a place where it is legal to do so. It is quite another to assist in bringing them into the country for the purpose of working as a prostitute. That is exactly what one defense contractor got caught doing by

Rampant Sex and Use of Drugs Results in Clearance Revocation
In one of the more unusual Defense Office of Hearing an Appeals (DOHA) cases, the contractor, who had possessed clearance eligibility since 1997, had it revoked by the DoD in 2019 due to security concerns involving sexual behavior, illegal drug use, and personal conduct. He subsequently submitted a written appeal to
Until you start on a job, there is no clearance. That is “usually” how it works if it’s your initial.
PIV/CAC is your access card/identification cards. Usually it’s a pretty speedy process, but can depend on your security office sending up the forms in a timely matter.
Got it. I appreciate the insight. Thanks!
Of course! Good luck and best wishes!