Security Clearance news

Cleared Jobs at Health and Human Services
Most of the questions, comments, and discussions about security clearance processes revolve around DoD and Intelligence Community agencies. There are, however, many other Federal Government agencies that also have a significant number of positions that require a security clearance. One of these, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Giving a Massage Results in Clearance Revocation
You probably are wondering about the strange title to this post and how the heck giving someone a massage could result in being denied a security clearance; I assure you I did not make it up! In one of the more unusual Department of Energy appeal cases, this particular denial
Until you start on a job, there is no clearance. That is “usually” how it works if it’s your initial.
PIV/CAC is your access card/identification cards. Usually it’s a pretty speedy process, but can depend on your security office sending up the forms in a timely matter.
Got it. I appreciate the insight. Thanks!
Of course! Good luck and best wishes!