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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

During a recent Defense Security Service webinar DoD policy experts acknowledged the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) has made little or no progress to clear the current background investigation backlog inherited from OPM’s Federal Investigative Services. New approaches called “Lines of Effort (LoE)” are in the works.  Here is a

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Security Clearance Denial

The fine print in Privacy Act notices outline the routine uses for federal agencies that collect information from individuals. In the case of background investigations, when you sign the release form you are consenting to allow that agency to disclose the investigative materials to other federal agencies for specific uses.

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Past Security Clearance Posts


The background investigation for defense contractor Edward Snowden was inefficient in several areas, according to a recent review. National Counterintelligence Executive Frank Montoya Jr. led the…
Obtaining Security Clearance

Security clearances as Shakespeare - Is a security clearance by another agency as sweet? Security clearance reciprocity is a question that comes up frequently at…
Background Investigations

Congress has followed through on their promise to bring increased scrutiny and oversight to the security clearance investigation process. In the wake of Edward Snowden’s…