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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

For those that find themselves deployed to a combat zone, take heed in regards to filing and paying state taxes. In a recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals case involving state tax delinquencies, the board denied the applicant’s appeal. Here are the particulars of the case:   This applicant was deployed

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Background Investigations

Now that we are in the new fiscal year, the new billing rates for background investigations and various other checks conducted by the National Background Investigations Bureau have kicked in. According to Federal Investigative Notice (FIN) 17-04 issued last March, the costs for all five tiers of investigations and reinvestigations

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Jobs

As public opinion sways, so does the security clearance process. At least that's the argument a contributor at made recently. He unpacked several of…
Security Clearance Process

Among the proposals on the table as Congress looks to reform the security clearance process in the wake of the Navy Yard Shooting - better…
Background Investigations

This week the Department of Justice filed a new complaint against security clearance investigation firm USIS. The filing accuses the company of filing incomplete investigations…