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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

For a long while now security clearance reform proponents  have talked about using continuous evaluation processes in lieu of 5 or 10 year reinvestigations to find and weed out those clearance holders who might be less than worthy of having access to classified information. The Defense Security Service (DSS) recently

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Security Clearance Process

The proposed Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act passed by the House and currently pending Senate approval contains a few sections pertaining to improving and expediting the process by security clearance processes. The House Armed Services Committee (ASC) noted that while some progress has been made by the National

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Process

The long-awaited government report on the security clearance process has been released, and it offers a glimpse into the security clearance reforms we can expect to…
Security Clearance Jobs

As public opinion sways, so does the security clearance process. At least that's the argument a contributor at made recently. He unpacked several of…
Security Clearance Process

Among the proposals on the table as Congress looks to reform the security clearance process in the wake of the Navy Yard Shooting - better…