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Security Clearance news


When applicants receive a Statement of Reasons (SOR) intending to deny them eligibility for a security clearance it usually contains details of the disqualifying issues found in their background investigation and identifies the specific adjudicative guidelines they fall under (e.g., Guideline E: Personal Conduct). However, on appeal when an administrative

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In a rare case of double reversal, the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) Board issued a final decision reversing the previous DOHA judge’s decision to grant the applicant eligibility for a clearance after the Department of Defense (DoD) had initially denied it. Here is a summary of the case and

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Obtaining Security Clearance

A recent news story from New Mexico highlights the seriousness of conduct that is directed towards law enforcement officials. According to an article filed by Reuters,…
Obtaining Security Clearance

When discussing security clearances and one’s responsibilities, most associate it with handling and protecting classified national security information. However, often overlooked is the fact that…
Security Clearance Process

In a continuing series of reports on the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) lack of oversight concerning investigative service contractors, the latest reports paint a bleak…