Security Clearance news
Can Clearance Holders Travel to China?
Due to an increase in inquiries on this topic I felt the need to post some information about overseas travel for security clearance holders. This information is only intended to provide general guidelines and requirements. If you already have a security clearance or intend on applying for one, I advise
The Security Clearance Applicant Loses in the DSS vs. NBIB Debate
The congressional push for a return to the “old days” when the Defense Security Service conducted all of the background investigations for the DoD prompted various news outlets (Federal News Radio, FedSmith, Government Executive) to weigh in. Even the Office of Personnel Management (parent of NBIB), which remained out of
I truly appreciate everyone’s feedback I hope this process will be worth it
Sorry you are in this situation but you will land on your feet. Just hang in there and wait it out. I wish I could say your poly story was…
@Opticalpanic sorry to hear but this is not uncommon. not sure if you ever been to sister site to clearance blogs which is clearance jobs. Lyndy from here has tons…
You can may also reach out to FEDCAS for a consultation for a fee of course. I recommend you be honest with everything going on in your life. The owner…