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Security Clearance news


It has been a while since I last posted on the adjudicator role in the background investigation process. Although much has changed as far as the agency in charge (NBIB), types of investigations, timelines and who is conducting them, adjudication has pretty much remained standard. There has been a push within DoD

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Security Clearance Process

As we all know, illegal drug use is one of the disqualifiers for being granted a security clearance, but it can be mitigated depending on several factors. Here is a tale of two drug users who applied for a security clearance with the Department of Energy. Case #1: This applicant

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Process

The Office of the Director or National Intelligence (ODNI) recently published a fact sheet on their website outlining some changes being implemented regarding the way…
Security Clearance Denial

Not many are aware that Executive Order 10865 not only provides the authorities and guidance for safeguarding classified information, but it also provides due process…
Security Clearance Jobs

Congressional lawmakers have been busy this year trying to push through several new changes to security clearance oversight and processes.  As is usual in Washington…