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Security Clearance news

Career AdviceSecurity Clearance Jobs

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has published the new website, showcasing the people, organizations, and work the Intelligence Community (IC) provides in support of our country and national security. Michael Thomas, ODNI Deputy Transparency Officer and executive editor of the website, said in a news release the

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Security Clearance Process

Another bill is making its way through Congress and is aimed getting the security clearance process fixed. California Senator Stephen Knight proposed the bill last July and it was passed by the House that same month.  H.R. 3210, also known as the Securely Expediting Clearances Through Reporting Transparency (SECRET) Act of

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Past Security Clearance Posts

AdjudicationBackground Investigations

In August of 2012 the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), in collaboration with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM,) approved National Training…
Security Clearance Jobs

It turns out a cyber attack was the straw that broke the back of embattled security clearance investigation firm USIS. Late last evening it was…
Security Clearance Jobs

While recent news reports have focused on the NSA’s PRISM program and the government’s use of personal data to detect terror threats, a recent news report sheds…