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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

As noted in previous articles and blog posts, it is well established that financial issues remain the number one reason for a security clearance denial. Why? Common sense and historical experience have shown that financial difficulties may increase temptation to commit illegal or unethical acts as a means of gaining

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Security Clearance Process

The Defense Security Service (DSS) is preparing to issue a new Industrial Security Letter (ISL) providing guidance for the implementation of Security Executive Agent (SecEA) Directive 4 (SEAD 4), “National Security Adjudicative Guidelines, signed last year by the Director of National Intelligence.  Specifically, guidance is being provided regarding Guideline C:

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Past Security Clearance Posts


In May 2012 the DOD made the decision to consolidate all of the various component Central Adjudication Facilities (CAF) into one in order to streamline…
Career Advice

For security-clearance holders, flat is the new up, when it comes to salaries and earnings. The good news is trends may grow more optimistic going…
Background InvestigationsCybersecurity

In a follow up to a previous article highlighting how Chinese hackers attack U.S. networks, another story has hit the news headlines describing how former…