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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

Everybody knows the saying “the truth is easier to remember than keeping up with the lies you told.” This concept escaped a DoD contractor who lost her clearance and subsequent appeal. Amazingly, she was also a Navy Reserve Intelligence Officer who had held a clearance since 1986. Here is how

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Background Investigations

The Office of Personnel Management’s National Background Investigation Bureau (NBIB) conducts background investigations for low risk non-sensitive, public trust, and national security positions for both civil servants and contractors working on behalf of the government. Some of the items on the Tier 1 through Tier 3 investigations may require completion

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Past Security Clearance Posts


As we all know, if you work in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) cell phones are a prohibited item due to the ability for…
Background Investigations

As an extension to my previous post about listing employment terminations on the investigative forms, listing accurate and complete military service information is also very…
Background Investigations

As Congress struggles to find a solution to the massive data breach affecting cleared personnel, the Congressional Research Service has produced two new reports on…