Security Clearance news

Covering Up Illegal Status of Father Results in Clearance Denial
With all of the talk about border security and undocumented illegal immigrants I found a recent Department of Energy appeals case apropos’ to the discussion. The statement of reasons and initial denial cited security concerns under foreign influence and personal conduct. Here is a quick summary of the case: The

Paying for Sex and Security Clearances: Not a Good Combination
The number of security clearance denials for sexual behavior doubled from last year according to analysis of the top reasons for a denial. Three recent DOHA appeals cases jumped out at me because they involved solicitation of prostitutes or paying for sexual services. This has always been a source danger
Until you start on a job, there is no clearance. That is “usually” how it works if it’s your initial.
PIV/CAC is your access card/identification cards. Usually it’s a pretty speedy process, but can depend on your security office sending up the forms in a timely matter.
Got it. I appreciate the insight. Thanks!
Of course! Good luck and best wishes!