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Security Clearance news

Background Investigations

There has been a slew of instances where federal background investigators have been indicted for falsifying their work in regard to completing records checks and interviews. The Department of Justice (DOJ) unveiled the latest occurrence in which Christopher Laughlin, a federal background investigator first with the Office of Personnel Management in 2018,

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Security Clearance Denial

Another Defense Office of Hearing an Appeals (DOHA) case to shake your head at and say, “What the heck was he thinking?” This security clearance applicant was denied eligibility under personal conduct for lying multiple times about having used marijuana within the last seven years. Take note, the DoD did

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Obtaining Security Clearance

It is highly recommended for security clearance applicants and current clearance holders to review their online digital footprint. This ensures anything they may have posted…
Security Clearance Denial

This particular Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case was certainly an interesting read just because of the audacity of the applicant in thinking…
Security Clearance Denial

Last year, the number of security clearance denials involving illegal drug use increased by 36% from the previous year. Quite a few of the denials…