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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

The Department of Energy (DOE) Personnel Security Program has a reputation as one of the better ones across the Federal government. Background investigators actually prefer working DOE cases because of the level of professionalism, courtesy, and cooperation from the applicants, their co-workers, supervisors, and even neighbors. DOE ingrains security awareness into their

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Security Clearance Process

Facility Security Officers (FSO) and government agency security managers track the status of security clearances and applications for hundreds of employees and new hires. This can be pretty challenging with all of the moving pieces involving various data systems, agencies, and processes. DoD’s Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), which has

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

In today’s society it is virtually impossible to avoid contact with online communications or some form of social media. Many who keep opinions and thoughts…
Obtaining Security Clearance

Demonstrating good judgment and reliability by following rules and procedures in the workplace is a significant factor for determining eligibility for access to national security…
Background Investigations

How much data is too much data? It depends on the government's ability to protect it, argues one privacy advocacy organization. The Electronic Privacy Information…