ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Obtaining Security Clearance

There are lots of questions on this site from security clearance applicants regarding what or how to list employment activities in Section 13A on the SF-86. The more accurate and thorough you are, the easier it is for investigators and records custodians to verify the information and check the block.

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AdjudicationBackground InvestigationsSecurity Clearance Process

Back in June of 2018 the Director of National Intelligence and the Office of Personnel Management issued a joint memorandum that outlined using a deferment process in background reinvestigations as one of the methods implemented to cut into the huge backlog. The Defense Security Service (DSS) Vetting Risk Operations Center

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Background Investigations

  We are less than two weeks away from OPM’s self-imposed deadline for the NBIB to take over the federal background investigation process and there…
Background Investigations

OPM has finally moved forward in implementing the Tier 5 background investigation product to replace the Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). ODNI and OPM had…
Background Investigations

  Last month I wrote about the lack of information coming out of OPM about the new National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) regarding the details…