ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

Many security clearance applicants mistakenly believe that entering into a pretrial intervention (PTI) program with the court in order to get charges dismissed exonerates them and has no bearing on eligibility for a security clearance. This may be so in the private sector or in a criminal law context, but

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cannabis leaves
Security Clearance Denial

In most security clearance denial cases the adjudicative decision is based on one or two areas of concern that are disqualifying in accordance with the adjudicative guidelines. However, in a recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case the applicant was issued a Statement of Reasons (SOR) that invoked

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Past Security Clearance Posts


As all clearance’s holder’s should know from their initial security briefing, before engaging in outside employment you need to get approval from your security officer…
Security Clearance Process

Confused about what you're required to self-report as a security clearance holder? You're not alone. The self-reporting process is confusing. And in the wake of…

The Cold War days of spies using microfilms, dead drops, and disappearing ink are long gone. Now they use cell phones, laptop computers, and remotely…