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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

Under the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines (SEAD-4) Guideline I: Psychological Conditions it states certain emotional, mental, and personality conditions that can impair judgment, stability, reliability or trustworthiness are a concern. The Adjudicative Desk Reference goes into further details regarding specific types of mental or personality disorders, why they are concerning,

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Background Investigations

It isn’t just federal employees or contractors in the Pacific Northwest who are being instructed to telecommute. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has also urged agencies to ensure that federal employees are prepared to telework, and earlier this month it issued new preliminary guidance on how this should be

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Process

Charlie Phalen, Director of the National Background Investigation Bureau (NBIB), provided security professionals and industry leaders attending the Intelligence & National Security Alliance Summit with…
Security Clearance Process

The Department of State (DS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) recently released their findings on DS security clearance processes and discovered that agency officials used blanket…
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Security Clearance Denial

Time and time again I run across background investigation applications where the applicant listed criminal charges that are contradicted by the FBI criminal history check…