Security Clearance news

Lack of Candor Results in Adverse Public Trust Determination
A supervisory human resource specialist at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was removed as a result of an adverse suitability determination after the completion of a public trust background investigation needed for his position. This individual was a supervisory human resources specialist with the Department of the Army (DA)

Personnel Security Terms and Definitions
In the security clearance and background investigation world there are quite a few terms used that may cause confusion for those not familiar with the lexicon used by personnel security specialists and investigators. Below are typical terms and definitions used in personnel security and investigations processing. Security Term Definition (1)
Until you start on a job, there is no clearance. That is “usually” how it works if it’s your initial.
PIV/CAC is your access card/identification cards. Usually it’s a pretty speedy process, but can depend on your security office sending up the forms in a timely matter.
Got it. I appreciate the insight. Thanks!
Of course! Good luck and best wishes!