Security Clearance news
How e-Adjudication for Background Investigations Works
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) has the ability to provide e-Adjudication shared services to other agencies for Tier 1, Tier 3 and Tier 3R investigations. The e-Adjudication business rules enable a uniform and consistent mechanism that supports reciprocity of adjudications. The use of e-Adjudication greatly shortens case processing
ODNI Releases Revised SEAD-2 (Use of Polygraph)
Last month the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a revised Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 2: Use of Polygraph in Support of Personnel Security Determinations for Initial or Continued Eligibility for Access to Classified Information or Eligibility to Hold a Sensitive Position. SEAD-2 provides policy guidance for
Amberbunny2: CI is short, to the point. Keep in mind, the examiner can expand the scope if need be (and they get to decide what be needed). I knew a…
Why won’t you consider it? Just because of the poly?
Is it best practice to just answer yes/no/idk and give no other info unless they ask for more?
In my opinion, the risk of undergoing a polygraph examination is not worth the potential rewards. In the event you don’t pass, or worse still, end up being accused of…