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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

An interesting Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case caught my eye because it involved a DoD contractor who had his security clearance revoked for being a member of what the Federal Government calls an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMG). Even more unusual, in his initial appeal to a DoD

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Security Clearance Denial

Under the national security adjudicative guidelines Personal Conduct (Guideline E) covers many areas that don’t fall into criteria under other guidelines. Disqualifying conduct under personal conduct includes dishonesty, history of rule-breaking, failure to follow orders, negligence in work performance, falsification, civil litigation, or omission of relevant facts during the background

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Process

The National Background Investigations Bureau released their first report in response to Public Law 115-173 (also known as the SECRET Act of 2018) and the…
Security Clearance Denial

Many on this site have asked if the results of a polygraph taken with another agency can result in a security clearance revocation with your…
3 replies
Background Investigations

Thursday evening, the Department of Defense released its rundown of government contracts valued at $7 Million or above. Infrequently are contracts directly related to the…