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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Jobs

Technological advances in mobile phones, cameras, listening devices and storage has made life easier for foreign intelligence operatives engaging in espionage. However, social media sites are an even more effective method of luring unsuspecting prey, e.g., a security clearance holder. China and other foreign governments are using professional networking and social

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Security Clearance Denial

I was reading through the transcript of a recent Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearing and Appeals case and was astounded when I came to the part about why this DOE contractor used marijuana while possessing a security clearance, and then lied about it. In 2017 the contractor underwent

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Denial

The number of security clearance denials for sexual behavior doubled from last year according to analysis of the top reasons for a denial. Three recent…
Security Clearance Process

The government shutdown will surely affect many clearance holders and their ability to pay credit card bills, mortgages, or car loans. As we have noted…
Security Clearance Process

The Defense Security Service (DSS) has upgraded the look and functionality of their website in order to provide the Industrial Security industry with better information…