Industrial Security Acronyms and Lingo Deciphered

Those not working in or having experience in the industrial security world may find the acronyms and specific meaning of words a bit confusing as they apply to classified contracts, security clearances, and the handling and protection of classified material. As an example; an FSO must ensure all employees have the appropriate level of PCL, sign an NDA, and be listed on the VAR before being allowed to access the CSA’s SCIF. What does this mean? The company’s Facility Security Officer ensures employees have the required level of personal security clearance, sign non-disclosure agreement (SF-312), and are on the Visit Authorization Roster in order to access the Cognizant Security Authority’s Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.
The Center for Development of Security Excellence recently published a new job aid called “Industrial Security Comprehensive Glossary” which provides terms and definitions used in the DoD Industrial Security Program. From acquisition to working papers and everything in between, the glossary provides clarity to the often confusing world of security-speak lingo used by career industrial security professionals. On separate note, previously, anyone could publicly access security clearance appeal decisions on the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) site, but since January for unknown reasons the site has no longer been accessible and email inquiry into DOHA was answered with “the site is down, just a check back at a later date”. Hopefully this will be resolved soon because the DOHA case summaries provide valuable insight with examples of applicant issues and corresponding mitigation for those seeking a security clearance.
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