Falsifying Resume’ Results in Clearance Denial

Trust but verify is an advisable motto for companies who are looking to hire highly qualified candidates who can also get a security clearance. Doing a little bit of fact checking up front will save headaches later on because in today’s day and age, it is easy for job applicants to embellish their resumes’ with made up job titles and college degree achievements. A recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals case highlighted this exact scenario; here is a summary of the case:
The applicant was hired by his previous employer based on his resume’ and claims of having a Ph.D., a master’s degree, and two bachelor’s degrees, all obtained between 2009-2012. During on-boarding, the company HR representative noticed there were no degrees listed on the SF-86 the applicant had filled out for his security clearance. When queried about it, the applicant stated he would provide his transcripts and amend his SF-86 to reflect the degrees. Well, he did not do as he said he would and instead, resigned three days later. Before he was hired on by the previous employer the applicant had obtained employment with a different employer and again had to answer to questions about the anomalies on his resume’ and security clearance application. His claimed degrees were a falsification; criminal arrests and convictions were not listed; and a previous bankruptcy and a currently in-process bankruptcy were not listed.
This case was a slam dunk for the DOHA judge to adjudicate and deny clearance eligibility. It was plain to see the applicant intentionally lied on multiple resumes’ and security clearance applications in order to get hired. The dishonesty was so blatant and egregious nothing the applicant could say would mitigate the personal conduct issues, even if the financial and criminal conduct issues were resolved.
People never cease to amaze me.
Wow. Dude went full fantasy land. Never go full fantasy land. 4 degrees completed in 3 years? Who would catch that? Not listing bankruptcies and arrests? Like…thats not going to show up?
I will like to the FBI if I ever apply for a security clearance.
Like to do …what to the FBI?
You probably don’t want to know…
True dat. Doesn’t sound like he wants to bake brownies
I may not have thought the degrees were that weird, I completed 3 in 3 year. Four might be possible.
The person who accused me of false allegations has a resume and bio that don’t match. Interesting
Overstating the scope of responsibilities or accomplishments of past jobs is fairly standard… but some people don’t stop at that and falsify education and degrees, and that is where I have seen the real problems start.
Yeah puffery is normal. Saying graduated as opposed to “attended” a school? Different. If you were section chief, say it. If you were technical lead? Say that. If you were on the team pulling it off? Say that.