Security Clearance Process
Report to Congress Shows DISCO Lost Ground in 2010
The “Annual Report to Congress on Personnel Security Investigations for Industry and the National Industrial Security Program” for fiscal year 2010 is one of the more useful periodic reports containing data on security clearance processing. Produced by the Defense Security Service, it is the only report that provides any information
Congressional Hearing on Security Clearance Reform
On November 16, 2010 the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and representatives from the Department of Defense (DOD), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) provided updated information on security clearance reform at a hearing
Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010
After resolving differences with the Senate version, the House version (HR 2701) of the 2010 Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) was signed by the President and became Public Law No: 111-259 on October 7, 2010. (This is the first IAA to become law since 2004; others either died in Congress or
HSPD-12 PIV Card Problems at DHS
A February 17, 2010 article at Government Computer News reported that: “The Homeland Security Department is nearly three years behind in getting Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards for its employees and contractors, according to a new report from DHS Inspector General Richard Skinner.” Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (August 2004),