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Security Clearance Process

Security Clearance Process

In the wake of Edward Snowden and Aaron Alexis, Congress is in a push to reform the security clearance process. Where congressional testimony in years past focused on the need to speed up the clearance process and make it easier for cleared personnel to get to work on classified projects,

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Security Clearance Process

Last week’s Senate hearing on security clearance reform focused on defense contractors and necessary reforms to prevent another Aaron Alexis from falling through the cracks. Several issues are of specific interest to the background investigator community, including proposals to shorten the length of time between periodic reinvestigations; improving technology and

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Security Clearance JobsSecurity Clearance Process

Pending changes to personnel security policy have been released via the published minutes of the last NISPPAC meeting.

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Security Clearance Process

This afternoon I posted a brief overview of the already brief annual report on the security clearance process released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The meager report is primarily data, leaving analysis to the reader. The motive for demanding release of this data (I believe) is

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