Security Clearance Process
Bill to Reduce Number of Top Secret Clearances for Contractors
On January 6, 2015 Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat from Texas, introduced a bill, H.R.55 – Rightsizing Activities of Intelligence Non-Governmental Contractors (RAINC) Act of 2015, that would require the U.S. Intelligence Community to reduce the number of top secret clearances granted to contractors. Here is the official summary
Continuous Evaluation Program Update
The Office of the Director or National Intelligence (ODNI) recently published a fact sheet on their website outlining some changes being implemented regarding the way that the Continuous Evaluation Program (CEP) will be conducted on security clearance holders. These changes were effected as a result of clearance reform initiatives that
Security Clearance Process Reforms- Will They Work?
A year after the Washington Navy Yard shootings security clearance process reform is moving forward, albeit slowly and methodically. A recent Washington Post article highlighted the progress already made in certain areas, but also came to the conclusion that there is still quite a bit of work to be done
Access to Classified Information without a Security Clearance?
Can individuals access classified national security information without having undergone the background investigation process and been granted a security clearance? Normally the answer is no, but there are certain instances where the requirement is waived. Here are some of the exceptions: The President and members of the U.S. Senate and