Security Clearance Process
How to Report Another Clearance Holder
We all know about having to self-report information as a security clearance holder, but what about reporting on another clearance holder? This scenario is played out almost every day: another individual with whom you work has a security clearance and you become aware of some conduct that could be an
Internal Tracking System Provides Clearance Status to DOE’s Nuclear Security Applicants
Agencies across DoD and the Federal government should take note of DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Personnel Security Program and how they provide customer service to their cleared population and applicants. Their program appears well organized, user friendly, and provides easy to find information about each stage of the
New OPM Director Puts the Focus Back on Timeliness
The real security clearance issue isn’t the backlog (which is upwards of 500,000 pending cases) – it’s the timeliness. That’s what the new director of the National Background Investigation Bureau argued during a talk at the recent Professional Service Council’s Vision Project. “The real relevant number is 40 or 80.
FIS vs NBIB: Has Anything Changed?
Six weeks have passed since the “grand opening” of the new National Background Investigations Bureau that took over from OPM’s Federal Investigative Services, but not a whole lot has changed on the surface except for the new name. In fact, when you compare OPM’s old FIS website to the new NBIB website, it