Security Clearance Process
DoD Industry Investigation Metrics Update
The National Background Investigation Bureau (NBIB) released the latest metrics as of the end of August 2019 regarding background investigation processing and timelines for DoD Industry contractors. Quoting strategic terms such as surging, hubbing, and focus area, the NBIB seems to have made significant progress on cutting down the backlogs.
Foreign Travel Reporting Reminder
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) issued Security Executive Agent Directive-3 (SEAD-3) in June 2017 outlining reporting requirements for all security clearance holders. Foreign travel was specifically called out and requires clearance holders to submit a travel itinerary and get approval prior to commencing on travel. Agencies
Defense Security and Counterintelligence Agency Unveils New Website
The new Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) website went live last week, replacing the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) and Defense Security Service (DSS) websites as the authoritative resource for background investigation and security clearance processing. The NBIB and DSS links will stay active through December 2019 while at
Self-Defense Claim for Shooting Doesn’t Hold Water – Clearance Denied
Most states have laws where if you feel threatened – and are in fear of injury or death – you may use deadly force to defend yourself. Criminal defense attorneys use this argument to defend clients’ actions that may sometimes have exceeded the parameters of self-defense laws. In one of